The products from both sides are inspired from the surging wave. They are elegant and dynamic. The frontal arc floats consistently like the clouds and rivers. It's made of sheet aluminium in one piece showing the beauty of the curves. Matching the sofa, it seems like rising fire by the river. Peple are singing and dancing together.
2021 Modren Style Luxury Sectional Furniture Garden Outdoor Sofa Sets - Palma
Free combination
Protective Cover
Core Competencies of Palma
- Extreme comfort
- Outdoor living space and lifestyle ambient
- Unique design
- Optional combinations
Produkt Information
Produkt Details
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Produkt Größe
Produkt Farbe
Dark Grey Metallic
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Und wenn wir uns dann absolut sicher sind, dass es das Beste ist, wollen wir, dass es noch besser wird.